Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I bought this new line of Kashi cereal today.  It looked so yummy!!!  I was also reading the side of the box, of which I tried to take a picture but my camera was not very happy zooming in and only took a blury picture.  So here is what it says:  "Or add our package to your compost pile-we use 100% biodegradable soy based inks for printing."  I was so excited to see that when I have finished my yummy new cereal, I can skip out to my compost bin and throw the cardboard box in, and know that I have done my green part for the day!!!  We have been composting for almost a year now  and I have to say what we are throwing in our actually garbage can has significantly dropped.  We have downsized to the smallest garbage can, from the garbage company.  I can honestly say that we throw more in our recycling bin and compost bin now.  The only things that we can't throw in the compost is meat, dairy, fried or oily foods.  Otherwise all other foods can go in.