Friday, February 22, 2008


Here are some pictures of Charli in her ballet class.
Her teacher announced yesterday that her class is going
to be "Ladybug's" in the June performance!!!
The theme this year is "In the forest"


So Zilba and Leia got in a little arguement the other day.
Over food, of course!!!
Leia didn't care much for Zilba sticking his face in her bowl
So she let him have it.
Ironically his injury is on the same side as Charli's!
Charli and Zilba have matching injuries.
I just hope he has learned his lesson.
He gets his stitches out in 14 days.
And is on pain meds.
Silly dog.


We took Charli bowling for the first time.
She seemed to have a good time. She would lug that ball
all the way to the ramp and then roll it down.
I am sure that ball was not the lighteset
especially for her.
Chad's parents used to own a bowling alley
so I think Chad was really excited to take Charli for the first time.
I on the other hand don't care much for blowing, but I
managed to have a good time.

Charli and I got tickets to the Disney Princesses on Ice at Arco.

We had a great time and Charli really enjoyed her rainbow slushy,

All the pricesses made an appearance. The lighting was not the greatest for pictures.

So most of my pictures turned out blurry or dark. But I tried.

Friday, February 15, 2008


My funny Valentine's!!!
Charli made a Valentine for her daddy
Inspired by Jenna
Thanks for the great V-Day craft
It really turned out so cute.

Our almost 3 1/2 yr old Valentine girl

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


So I made some hot cocoa today from my new favorite cook book!!! Amy will agree with me on this. The cook book is called "Deceptively Delicious" by Jessica Seinfeld. She has put together a bunch of recipes that include some sort of vegetable in every recipe. This one calls for a 1/2 cup of pureed sweet potato. So I whipped it up and it turned out really delicious!!! I think this book is gonna be a keeper in my house. If you enlarge the picture of the recipe you should be about to read it and print it out if interested.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I found these three monkey's sitting on the couch last night. I had to take a picture of that!!! Leia really looks like she was enjoying herself.