Tuesday, November 27, 2007

This is my newest creation. I am piecing together a blanket for Charli for Christmas. All the fabric that I have been working with over the past 6 months or so, I have cut into squares and am sewing them together to make a scrap's blanket for Charli. She has been to the fabric store with me almost every time, she goes to my mom's with me when I have sewing to do for my Chalri'z products and gifts that I have made. She know's that I make baby products and is so good at not being or showing jealousy towards wanting one of her own, she just has accepted that this is what I do and she is there to watch it all. So I decided that she deserves a blanket made out of all the fabric I have used to make my Charli'z softi'z, bib'z and pad'z. When I told her I was making her a blanket, her eyes got so big and she had the biggest smile on her face. i think she was in disbelief that I was actually making something for her!!! i am really happy with what I have so far, and am cofident that it will be wrapped and tucked under out Christmas tree in time for Christmas morning.

Charli at ballet. (she is the one with her hair up ). They are practicing for their Christmas performance this coming Sunday. It is going to be at the Magalia POA and I have been told they are doing a tree lighting and Santa will be there as well. Charli has really taken a love for ballet. I started her in January and she has never once complained about not wanting to go. She re-enacts all her ballet moves at home, and Chad even has the honor of having to do some ballet, he seems to not be as flexible as her but he gives it his best shot.

Here are some Thanksgiving pictures. The only family picture I managed to get was of us in the morning before we showered. We were all lounging around and I took the oportunity to snap a picture of us. I love the one of Chad and Charli on the couch together. Charli looks so happy. She truely is a daddies girl!!! After Thanksgiving dinner at my mom's, Charli thought it would be fun to play with the drmum sticks. They were almost bigger than her head. Silly girl. We had a great Thanksgiving this year. It was the first time that I have had Thanksgiving with my mom and that side of the family. I am usually spending it with my dad's side of the family. This year it was a nice change, and I really can't believe I am almost 30 and have never spend Thanksgiving with my mom. Well it all turned out great. We had lots of dessert, as it should be and lots to eat for dinner. I made three things to share, a creamy apple pie, persimmon cookies and yams with apples topped with butter and sugar.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

No more stitches!!!

Charli finally got all her stitches out and she looks amazing. Chad told me that Dr. Stewart is his favorite doctor. He is the Plastic Surgeon that did the stitches and also took them out. It was stressed to us at the hospital that it would be best to have a Plastic Surgeon do the procedure and we took their advice. You can barely tell that she had any injury or stitches on her right ear, and Chad and I are both very optomistic that her cheek is going to heal up nicely. Charli has been such a trooper through all of this.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Charli's first stitches!!!

So Charli got her first stitches on Thursday!!! We have all been trying to deal with this new thing the best we can, amazingly Charli is acting her normal self and is in great spirits depite what she has been through. So to make a long story short: Thursday afternoon Zilba our dog was asleep on the couch and Charli some how startled/scared him and he unfortunately reacted by bitting her in the face. He has never shown any anger or agression towards Charli, so I really believe he was taken by surprise, I do not think it was out of anger. We love our dogs and Charli does as well. So as a result Charli has some stitches on her right upper cheek, her right ear and some bruising on her lower left cheek. Thursday we rushed to the ER and it was recommended that a plastic surgeon do the procedure so we agreed. The surgeon suggested the best way to do the stiches was to have her awake and just numb the area that needed stitches. Well to do that to a 3 yr old you have to wrap them tight like a mummy. That was about a terrible an experience as when she got the bit. She really was a trooper through the whole ordeal!!! Our dogs have taken a step down in the family and currently when in the house do not free access to where ever Charli is. She has shown interest in petting them but does ask "Mommy will Zilba bite me?" When she goes to pet them. I do reasure her that he won't bit her but we always need to be nice to our doggies. It has given us a wake up call that dogs are animals and even though you might have to nicest dog, you never know how they will react to something.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Halloween 2007

Here are a couple pictures from our Halloween festivities!!! Charli chose to be Cinderella this year. She is really into all the princesses and dressing up. Cinderella has become her favorite princess so I thougth it perfect for her to be Cinderella for Halloween. We went to 4 different trick or treating locations this year. Charli really scored in the candy department, and she earned every peice she received. She really seemed to understand the whole trick or treating thing this year. It really was fun watching her.